Stacy Lynne Custody Case Follow-up

Stacy Lynne Custody Case Follow-up

Stacy Lynne, circa 2012

I am saddened when well-meaning, good-hearted people are duped into doing stupid things by dishonest internet talk show hosts such as Dave Hodges. He had mothers across the country afraid of being politically active for fear of losing their children.

I am further saddened when a mother loses custody of her child, for any reason. I have no ill-will toward Stacy Lynne, and I hope she harbors none against me. In her case, I believe the court issued the proper outcome.

I promised to post documentation of the REAL reasons why Stacy Lynne lost custody of her son in 2013, after Hodges’ lawsuit was settled. (Every one of Hodges’ 59 charges against me FAILED. Instead, he was deemed guilty of unjustly enriching himself from my work.) Here is that promised information.

Dave Hodges had Stacy on his show several times. He labeled the father of her son a “deadbeat dad,” even though documents show he contributed over $900,000 in support. It was irresponsible, and probably illegal, for Hodges to make such defamatory statements on his show, and to allow Stacy’s allegations of “torture” of her son by his father, without evidence. Hodges breathlessly bragged to me that his show enraged a group of people into storming Stacy Lynne’s courtroom, interrupting proceedings until deputies drew their guns and the judge exited the court. This group continued to demand custody for this poor, victimized mother. They followed the father around town when he went out in public, openly photographing him wherever he went.

The court documents revealed a very different set of circumstances, which made it clear that it would have acted irresponsibly to grant Stacy Lynne custody. The father initiated custody proceedings three years before Stacy ever made any presentation on ICLEI or Agenda 21. Therefore, there was no foundation for Hodges to claim causation between Stacy’s political activities and her loss of custody.

… crooked judges do go to jail. Only after Julie Kunce Field is placed in handcuffs with eight loaded guns pointed at her head will Julie understand by experiencing for herself what she has done to Jaden and Stacy Lynne.
In jail, Julie will be stripped of her clothing. She will stand naked before strangers who will stare at her and mock her.

After I posted some of the court documents, Hodges accused me of being “recruited” by the father, simply because I was more interested in truth than in taking sides. There was no evidence of torture of the child. There was evidence that the father contributed $900,000 in financial support. That’s almost a million dollars, folks. It was Stacy’s own behavior and words that cost her custody of her son. She refused the court’s order to allow the father to see his son, then hypocritically claimed the father took no part in his son’s life. After carefully thinking through how she would address the judge, this is what Stacy chose to say in open court:

EXCERPT from Stacy Lynne’s Motion for Recusal of her Judge, Julie Kunce Field

148 … See, crooked
148 judges do go to jail. Only after Julie Kunce Field is placed in handcuffs with eight
149 loaded guns pointed at her head will Julie understand by experiencing for herself what
150 she has done to Jaden and Stacy Lynne.
151         In jail, Julie will be stripped of her clothing. She will stand naked before
152 strangers who will stare at her and mock her.
153         In jail, Julie will be fed sub-human food.
154         In jail, Julie will be housed with people who will plot how to rape her.
155         In jail, Julie will be stripped of her children.
156         In jail, Julie will be stripped of her husband.
157         In jail, Julie will be stripped of her bed.
158         In jail, Julie will be stripped of her cats and dogs.
159         In jail, Julie will be stripped of her lifelong friends.
160         In jail, Julie will be stripped of her identity.
161         In jail, Julie will be known only by her state number.
162         In jail, Julie will cease to feel human.
163         Strangers will begin to brainwash her children and she won’t be able to love or
164 comfort them.
165         Julie’s children will lose too much weight and she won’t be able to feed them.
166         Julie’s children will fail their classes at school and she won’t be able to teach
167 them.
168         Strangers will teach her children to hate their mom through distortions and lies.
169         And then.
170         Julie will be a model prisoner.
171         Julie will wait months for a scheduled visit to see her children. Julie will be told
172 on visit day that the children are sick and they won’t be allowed inside the jail.
173         Julie will reschedule the visit with her children.
174         Julie will continue to be a model prisoner.
175         Julie will wait months for the rescheduled visit day to arrive so she can see her
176 children.
177         Visit day arrives and Van Hook tells Julie that she has violated a policy and her
178 children will be told that their mom did something wrong.
179         The children will be sent home without seeing their mom and believing that their
180 mom did something wrong.
181         Julie tries to tell someone, anyone! that Van Hook lied to her and to her children.
182         Nobody listens to Julie. …

Stacy Lynne’s Motion continued in this manner for 50 more lines. I think you get the idea.

So please, don’t draw conclusions from hearing only one side of an argument, and don’t buy into every conspiracy you hear on the internet. And please don’t hate on people like me for giving you objective truth, when my reward for being honest was being forced into bankruptcy by fear profiteer Dave Hodges because I refused his demand for a gag order.

For a long time, Stacy and her supporters continued to claim proof of a conspiracy against her that a tracking device was placed on the underside of her vehicle without her knowledge. But it appears to me that, since Stacy kept her son away from his father for years, and she was about to permanently lose custody, she was reasonably considered a flight risk for abducting her child. They had the interests of the child in mind.

I hope Stacy Lynne has gained insight into her own behavior and healed from this painful experience. God bless.

3 Responses so far.

  1. Charles Foster says:

    I was married to a outwardly sweet and very reasonable-sounding woman who professed high morals for 22 years, who was happily unemployed for 21 of those years, driving a new white Jaguar sedan and traveling the world with our four great kids…right up to Easter weekend 2010 when I busted it back home at 3am so we could all go to Easter Services together to find her and my kids gone and our beautiful home left trashed out and empty without a discussion or even a note. I never saw my kids again, in spite of having joint custody and full visitation rights. I simply never could have imagined doing this to her, or our kids, so I just didn’t fight it…realizing that the kids were her weapon of choice in the unilateral war she chose to wage on me. Complete with the “250 princes” that she enlisted to support her war, not unlike Korah, which is the path she took. I was told by all to take that “high road” and that I would be glad one day, but last year my son Marshall put a .357 in his mouth. Parental alienation is the most harmful form of child abuse, and I encourage everyone, especially L.E., C.P.S. and the courts to recognize and respond to parental alienation with the protection of the children involved that it requires. Susan’s only words at the funeral of our severely psychologically abused and alienated son that I had hardly seen in 8 years was “NO REGRETS.” The sad part? She meant that.

    “What would Jesus do” has always been, and will always be, the only answer to problems that are this difficult to navigate…and the simpler ones too. Just do it. Let God determine what is right and wrong, faithfully.

    • Bobuck says:

      Hey Charles. I am so sorry , as a man, that our world is now designed to be so coldly impartial in affairs of the family. I hope you find solace nd can reconnect with your children soon. If you have not already. Love from eastern US.

  2. FreeRangeHuman says:

    Wow. What a powerful story. Too often, we give the mother a pass, even while they deprive their own children of the emotional nurturing and fathers they need.

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