Well, Well, Well. We wondered why the Rothschilds acquired interest in the Weather Channel back in 2011. [Click to Read article]. Now we know. Owning the Weather Channel sure makes it easy to try and discredit its Founder, John Coleman, and to promote a global warming hoax.
Founder of the Weather Channel says Global Warming is “Failed Science”

John Coleman, Founder of the Weather Channel
John Coleman Letter To UCLA
Posted on October 19, 2014 by steven goddard
Dear UCLA Hammer Forum officials,
There is no significant man-made global warming at this time, there has been none in the past and there is no reason to fear any in the future. Efforts to prove the theory that carbon dioxide is a significant “greenhouse” gas and pollutant causing significant warming or weather effects have failed. There has been no warming over 18 years. William Happer, Ph.D., Princeton University, Richard Lindzen, Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Willie Soon, Ph.D., Harvard Smithsonian Observatory, John Christy, Ph.D., University of Alabama and 9,000 other Ph.D. scientists all agree with my opening two sentences. Yet at your October 23 Hammer Forum on Climate Change you have scheduled as your only speakers two people who continue to present the failed science as though it is the final and complete story on global warming/climate change. This is major mistake.
I urge you to re-examine your plan. It is important to have those who attend know that there is no climate crisis. The ocean is not rising significantly. The polar ice is increasing, not melting away. Polar Bears are increasing in number. Heat waves have actually diminished, not increased. There is not an uptick in the number or strength of storms (in fact storms are diminishing). I have studied this topic seriously for years. It has become a political and environment agenda item, but the science is not valid.
I am the founder of The Weather Channel and a winner of the American Meteorological Society honor as Broadcast Meteorologist of the Year. I am not a wacko flat Earther. Nor am I a “paid shill” (as has been claimed) of the Koch Brothers. I am a serious Professional. I am strongly urging you to reconsider your plan.
I can be reached at 858-243-1707 and will be pleased the discuss this matter with you and answer questions. I will be happy to provide links to all of the points I have made in this email. As a quick scientific reference you may wish to look at the website of the Non-governmental Panel on Climate Change. http://climatechangereconsidered.org/
My best regards,
John Coleman
A copy of this email has been supplied to The LA Times, KCBS/KTLA and NBC4 Los Angeles
Ponder this:
Even if Gloal Warming was a genuine threat, WHAT WOULD BILLIONS OF DOLLARS FORCIBLY EXTRACTED FROM TAXPAYERS ACCOMPLISH? Oh, that’s right, it would line the pockets of the ruling elite quite handsomely.
Anyone bemoaning global warming without even mentioning Fukushima, and the effects of over 2,400 atomic weapons tests across the planet is FRAUDulently using climate change for political purposes. You too, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez!
We are still collecting data on the effects of nuclear bomb tests, which are not fully felt for over 40 years.
Who thought it was a great idea to experiment with nuclear fission in our atmosphere? Did Oppenheimer first ask permission from the taxpayers footing the bill, or from the vulnerable citizens living in the area?
Nikola Tesla warned us: “Splitting the atom is a serious crime against nature. Future generations will judge us.”
If anyone is to be held accountable for global climate change, let us first point the finger at the arrogant Talmudic group of opportunists, who began the atomic bomb testing, and who are still experimenting with our atmosphere today. NASA admits to sickening the atmosphere with lithium, barium and aluminum [Click HERE for NASA’s website article]. These monsters are far more dangerous than flatulent cows.
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Yep – global warming… What a lie. You idiot
Yeah. He just links to a handful od scientists and gives his phone number to anyone who doubts his claim. But you , a random jagoff calls him an idiot and everyone should trust your judgement without one credential. Someones an idiot here but its not ex-owner of TWC!
Global warming or Climate Change – whatever they are calling it is indeed a scam. Like most things it started out as a legitimate and scary hypothesis. Starting in about 1979, the presence of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere started rising fairly rapidly – ostensibly due to an increase in burning of oil and gas. At nearly the same time global temperature as measured on the network of weather monitors started rising at a similar rate. From 1979 to about 1998 this correlation in rise was very concerning.
If you know about math and science you know that correlation is cause for concern, but must be confirmed by causation. They were never able to prove any causation, but that didn’t stop people from pushing hypotheses.
Starting about 1998, the correlation between Co2 and Temp started diverging – the correlation was broken. But at that time another phenomena rose. An entire industry of acedemics and politicians had taken hold of the idea (including Al Gore) and they couldn’t allow the idea of global warming to die – because it had proven to capture the attention of the public and virutally all of the “environmentalists”.
Next the jackals jumped in. They realized they could control all the oil and gas consumption and all of the “environmentalists” in one fell swoop with this agenda – they changed the name from Global Warming to Climate Science and secured this new agenda with a fake “scientific consensus” and turned it into a control and political issue. After this point, about 2005-2008 the science did not matter anymore – it was all about propaganda and control of money and resources.
That is the history – but here are some facts. 1. Despite numerous tries, there is no way to link causation of temperature rise with Co2. Yes, you will find all kinds of scientific “hypotheses”, but it all boils down to a blind faith in that linkage. 2. Co2 is a trace gas in the atmosphere at approximately 430 parts per million – less than 1/10 of 1%. It is not possible for the 99.96% of the atmosphere to be heated by the remainder. 3. Virtually all of the runaway temperature predictions by the “climate scientists” have been proven wrong over time. 4. They’ve tried to prove global warming with ice studies – but 90% of the world’s ice is in one place: Antarctica and that has not been melting. Most of the rest is in another place: Greenland – which has melted a bit. All of the remainder which is a tiny fraction makes up the Arctic and all the glaciers.
Nobody claims that the earth is not warming or cooling – it has been doing that naturally over the millennia and that is easy to prove. What is up for debate is whether manmade activities have any effect. The answer is probably yes in cities and concentrated locations, but across the earth, no. I for one am waiting for the day when we get back to truth and allow the environmentalists to be free from this political prison they’ve been captured in and get back to work on real issues – like Fukushima and the crooked nuclear industry.