I worked to support David Shurter for about four years.

David Shurter Original v My Enhancements
I formatted early drafts of his book for the publisher. I enhanced his photo for a Paranoid Magazine article. I researched the subject matter and interviewed David to get his story out. After all that time and effort, I cannot confirm that David is credible, or honest. He is definitely not ethical.
David is a professional victim, with an unquenchable need for attention and sympathy, who tries to manipulate circumstances so to always appear as the victim, even when he is, in fact, the victimizer. He doesn’t know when to leave well enough alone. Even though I received 44,000 views, in March 2017 I took my interview down (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3FWNZqp_EI).
David treats his feelings and dreams as more or less equal to objective reality and hard evidence. His autobiographical book is largely based on this fuzzy logic.
David appreciated my interview so much that he invited me to join a professional cameraman for making a documentary about him. I spent hundreds of dollars in gas to oblige him. After I arrived, I discovered that David had not mentioned me to the cameraman, who wanted to make his own solo project. Naturally, he resented my presence.
After my arrival, David only wanted to “hang out.” He acquired a bag of weed, and smoked incessantly until it was gone. I believe it was during the beginning of this binge that David and the cameraman left to make the video which is posted on his YouTube channel. You can see how lethargic David is from being stoned.
Both the camerman and myself recorded while we were there. I did it LEGALLY, only recording conversations I was a party to, for the purposes of note taking, self-protection, and because I was there to DOCUMENT. Why would I NOT protect myself? David even said that it would have been fine with him, if I had only asked first. I was not legally obligated to ask, yet I was open about it, and hid nothing. The cameraman illegally eavesdropped on conversations to which he was NOT a party. He overheard David call him a “dick.” Instead of getting angry at David, he became enraged at me for simply agreeing. David told him to leave.
About the time David was finishing off his bag of weed, he noticed that I was recording.
That was it. He threw away years of trust and working together in that instant, not because I did anything wrong, but apparently because he FELT betrayed. He told me to leave. I was fed up anyway at the lack of progress with the documentary. I left.
Instead of taking responsibility for his own mishandling, or apologizing for how poorly he treated me, David began doxing my personal information, a highly unethical practice. He lumped me together with a character named Doug Mesner, who goes by Lucien Greaves, spokesman for the Satanic Temple. My website clearly opposes everything Greaves promotes. David shredded what remained of his credibility.
David attacks those he perceives as a threat to his power, e.g. Craig Sawyer, Neal Brick, etc., without giving valid reason.
If David wants me to post audio evidence of our conversations to defend myself, then he can continue disparaging me and posting lies about me.

David Shurter relishes playing the Devil
We might assume that, if David was truly traumatized by a satanic cult, he would want nothing more to do with satanism. But here is a photo of David, circa 2012, when he chose to don devil horns, a whip, and a devilish grimace for the camera. David’s story, I believe, is mostly storytelling for dramatic effect, sympathy, and perhaps most importantly—donations.
Needless to say, I am done with David Shurter. I took my interview down from YouTube because I do not want to appear to endorse him in any way. I will file copyright infringement against anyone who uploads my Shurter video to YouTube.
I cannot in good conscience endorse David as a leader in the survivor community. He is simply too volatile, and utterly lacking in critical thinking skills. I don’t want to see anyone else waste their time, emotions, and money on him. Let’s work to help all survivors in their healing, not just those who elect themselves leaders.
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- Wallis Simpson on Why David Shurter’s Video was Taken Down
- Wallis Simpson on Why David Shurter’s Video was Taken Down
would you by any chance still have that video, and would i or anyone else by any chance still be allowed to view it?
i was similarly betrayed
Please share how you were betrayed. He cries that he is a victim while he is doing the victimizing. I hope that posting our experiences will spare others from a similar fate.
I will re-upload my work as a PRIVATE video, and email the login to you.
If Shurter is a ‘fraud’ and his stories made up, then why do they corroborate with those from others?
Like most “activists” with eyeballs, granted via interviews by the mostly FAKE ‘alternative media’, he did prove to be Jewish controlled opposition.
As you are aware of Qabala mind control, and/or it’s weaponized version, MK Ultra, why assume he was not mind fracked, AGAIN?
(Assuming that photo is even him.)
Jewish ‘controlled opposition’, straight from their “communist” gig, is very useful when corroborated with REAL targets or other controlled opposition.
The only patently FALSE garbage he pushed was when he claimed a blood test revealed he was a NAZI, and not Jewish. (His nephew had gotten beat up; mine committed ‘suicide’ and more likely was murdered by ‘friends’.
Backing down, also quite common, frequently comes from the fact sayanim threaten your children while fellow sayanim “activists” make Ad Hominem attacks with little if any real proof.
Like staged photos using doppelgangers as used against an American “Cohen” who shared his experience with the racist rabbiTs in Israel and the ‘secret level of Judaism’.)
Hope you’re well,
Its good that you dont publicise this fraud but it looks like you would be showing his video and pushing his story if he hadnt fallen out with you. I have been slandered by this fool and even accused of being Doug Mesner by him (who is an honourable man.) David is an admitted child rapist, just search on youtube for my video “david Shurter molests and beats F… out of his three year old nephew” to see him admit it and brag about it with no remorse. I also have emails from another of his nephews who says David raped him and another nephew (that makes 3) David Shurter is a lying child rapist scumbag and the alt media should hang its collective head in shame for giving this creep a platform.
You are not the first, nor the second, nor even the third person to contact me with similar information about David Shurter. Thank you for speaking out.
P.S. I would not promote his story once I realized how fraudulent he was, whether or not we had a falling out. On one hand, victims are more likely to be chosen for mind control ops if they are society’s throwaways, and less likely to win sympathy from the public. But in Shurter’s case, he just makes stuff up. And he is a scumbag. At some point, you just don’t care anymore.
P.P.S. Why do you consider Doug Messner “honorable”? Doesn’t he promote satanic worship? Doesn’t he work to install satanism clubs in grade schools as a “normal” alternative to christian clubs? Doesn’t he work to erect statues of children worshiping satan in public places? Sorry, but “honorable” is not the adjective I would use to describe those activities.
P.P.P.S. I took down Shurter’s video because it attracted weird, malicious fighting, which distracted from the goals of my website. I am done with all that. If your comment turns out to instigate that sort of pointless fighting all over again, I will have to remove this thread.
Shurter has a video on YT titled “I need help solving a murder” regarding a supposed murder he was forced to commit at a home his family lived in in Nebraska. I tend to be good at tracking things down, and asked him for the address of the home he was standing in front of in the video, and he gave some vague response about how the area is run down or something – in any case, would not give the address. Claimed the victim lived a couple blocks away. I mean, he standing right in front of the place and won’t tell where it is. Maybe he will now after he reads this – but honestly – if a man and his daughter both go missing in the same medium sized town, wouldn’t there be some news about it, other people, family members to contact? The whole story is questionable, IMHO.
He had a falling out with William Ramsey who researches the West Memphis Three case, when Ramsey fielded a legit question on Facebook about some aspect of an interview he had with Shurter. The person questioning had some doubts about Shurter’s tale – this caused Shurter to go teenage ballistic on Ramsey and then he blocked him.
About that same year, Shurter had an article up on his blog about him and his dead friends controlling the weather, how he and they were responsible for that hurricane that went over Haiti, because, as he said, the Haitians deserved it because they practice voodoo. Around that time Ed Opperman had dropped him from his show, mumbling something about another guest going bipolar.
Fantasies about superhuman powers are in fact a hallmark of bipolar mania.
He was also making claims about the shoes (with severed feet in them) ending up on beaches in Vancouver BC being connected with Satanic activity, but gave no evidence, made a couple of ignorant statements about the case (one was that the feet were all left feet (or right – can’t recall- and all belonged to males, neither of which is true).
He’s also accused the local police in Algona, Wa (population 3100) of being in on some conspiracy to harass him (I doubt it).
IMHO, he moved to Washington state shortly after legal pot shops opened there to take advantage of that, and to be near the people who run the Ivory Garden conference – one of whom he seems to continually get in fights with and calls a ‘fatass bitch’ or something to that effect.
After I and a few others sent him some money, he apparently spent it on cannabis oil for his dog (and I’m guessing pot for himself). Washington state and particularly King County where hew lives is an easy place to find food and other assistance (housing, power, health care, etc.) and I’m certain he takes full advantage of all of it. I regretted sending him anything as apparently I was enabling his addiction.
At this point, I really have doubts about his credulity. He put a curse on me at one juncture for daring to question him about something, and I suggest people look long and hard into his claims. I, for one, am no longer a fan. Of course he’ll react to all of this saying I’m some pal of Doug Mesner, which is his usual response.
I am absolutely against people like Mesner, which is the reason I got interested in Shurter.
I’ve thought about Shurter’s claims of controlling the weather, the Algona, Wa police targeting him, and posting this on his blog.
I’m not sure if these type of mental issues come up for review under a disability claim, but could it be that he posts the crazy stuff on his blog as ‘evidence’? Just a thought.
I’ve come to the same conclusions as you. Nick Bryant fell into the same trap. David needs to see a psychiatrist.
I do not have information connecting David Shurter with a Bernard Rhoades, and I do not endorse or validate your comments. Shurter is a gay man and would not likely be married to a woman. His sister is named Kathy. Perhaps the rest of your information is useful to others.
Apologies that this comment was inadvertently deleted among the 425 spam comments I sorted through today (yes, 425).
Author: Kay (IP address:,
Email: theblackdogspeaks@gmail.com
Shurter is a liar mostly and his real name is David Bernard. He’s a relative to Deborah Bernard Rhoades who runs a witch trial cult in Allenstown Pembroke NH all linked to Bear Brook Murders. They run rape rings and are involved with Edward Imhoff, Thomas Aaron Clark/White, Andrew Pinard, Heather Landry Dube White and Browns. https://spectatorarchive.library.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/columbia?a=d&d=cs19330302-01.2.3&e=——-en-20–1–txt-txIN——-
He is involved in trafficking my daughter to McMahon.
Damn. Shurter isn’t his real name eh? I fell into the same trap with David’s lies as we as Fiona Barnett. Btw, im not affiliated with him, but I remember Robert Messner from these sea stories too. He went by Robert the Deplorable. Throw in Elijahia Priest and Vegan Mikey…. Its a shit show.
Unfortunately, it took the death of Isaac Kappy to make me realize that these people are very dangerous.
I’m heartbroken by how this hurts the real victims of SRA and the child trafficking epidemic.
There are rabbit holes within rabbit holes.
Having said all this; what to do about Shurter’s book?
That’s a very good question. The book gives him far more credibility than he deserves. Too bad so many people find out too late, after he has caused more hurt and exploitation and damage.
I suppose that as with all people who tell tall tales, there’s a mixture of truth in with the lies. His story about Johnny Gosch, and the whole scene in Omaha seems true. Not sure how much else.
I believe the Gosch saga is true. But, like with so many of his stories, Shurter is an interloper who rides on the coattails of others, telling his own false version and trying to discredit the original.
He left Algona, WA in 2018, selling the place he got at foreclosure (70K) for about 250K. Moved to Harlan, IA – a town selling lots at the GH Christiansen subdivision for 1K each. http://cityofharlan.com/Site/PDFs/GH_ChristiansenPacket_11_03_2021.pdf Smart move.
He’s also suing a nearby town for discrimination. https://icrc.iowa.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Shurter%20v%20City_of_Earling_Iowa%20-%2072563.pdf
He also claims the police there are harassing him. Another sympathy grift.